Backpack Safety: Tips from a Physical Therapist

As the new school year approaches, students are gearing up with fresh supplies and backpacks. While backpacks are a convenient way to carry school essentials, improper use can lead to neck, back, and shoulder pain. Here are some tips to ensure your child’s backpack promotes healthy posture and prevents injury.

Choose the Right Backpack

Selecting the right backpack is the first step in preventing back problems. Look for these features:

  1. Two Wide, Padded Shoulder Straps: Narrow straps can dig into shoulders, causing discomfort and restricting circulation.
  2. Padded Back: This provides extra comfort and protects against sharp objects inside the bag.
  3. Multiple Compartments: These help distribute weight evenly, preventing items from shifting.
  4. Waist and Chest Straps: These help transfer some of the weight to the pelvis and chest, reducing the load on the shoulders and back.

Pack it Light

The American Physical Therapy Association recommends that a backpack should weigh no more than 10-15% of a child’s body weight. Here’s how to achieve that:

  1. Prioritize Essentials: Only pack what is necessary for the day. Leave non-essential items at home or in the locker.
  2. Distribute Weight Evenly: Use all compartments to spread the load. Place heavier items closest to the back to reduce strain.

Wear it Properly

Even the best backpack can cause issues if worn incorrectly. Follow these guidelines:

  1. Use Both Shoulder Straps: Slinging a backpack over one shoulder can cause muscle strain and imbalance.
  2. Adjust Straps to Fit Snugly: The backpack should sit evenly in the middle of the back, not sag down to the buttocks.
  3. Use Waist and Chest Straps: These additional straps can help distribute the weight more evenly across the body.


Take Breaks

Carrying a heavy load for prolonged periods can cause strain. Encourage your child to:

  1. Use Lockers or Desks: To store books during the day.
  2. Take Short Breaks: If walking long distances, take the backpack off and rest for a few minutes.


Warning Signs to Watch For

If your child experiences any of the following, it may indicate that their backpack is too heavy or not being used correctly:

  1. Pain or Discomfort: In the back, neck, or shoulders.
  2. Tingling or Numbness: In the arms or hands.
  3. Red Marks: On the shoulders from the straps.


Backpack safety is crucial for preventing neck, back, and shoulder pain and ensuring the overall health of your child. By choosing the right backpack, packing it properly and wearing it correctly, you can help your child carry their school supplies without risking injury.


Let’s make this school year safe and healthy for our kids! 🌟