Nathan Zasler
Nathan Zasler MD is Founder, CEO & Medical Director of Concussion Care Centre of Virginia, Ltd., as well as Tree of Life Services, Inc. Dr. Zasler is board certified in PM&R, fellowship trained in brain injury and subspecialty certified in Brain Injury Medicine. He is an affiliate professor in the VCU Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Richmond, VA, and an a visiting professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. He is Chairperson Emeritus of IBIA and currently serves as Vice-Chairperson. He has published close to 200 peer reviewed articles and authored over 60 book chapters.
Dr. Zasler has published and lectured extensively on TBI related neuromedical issues and edited 8 textbooks including “Brain Injury Medicine: Principals and Practice” now going into its third edition. He is co-chief editor of two international peer reviewed journals: “Brain Injury”, and “NeuroRehabilitation” as well as chief editor of “Brain Injury Professional”.
Dr. Zasler serves on over 10 international journal editorial boards. He is active in local, national and international organizations dealing with acquired brain injury and neurodisability, serving or having served in numerous consultant and board member roles. He has received numerous awards, been repeatedly recognized by “Best Doctors.” and has also received numerous community patient awards for his clinical services. Dr. Zasler is an advocate, educator, clinical researcher, inventor, entrepreneur and busy practicing clinician who is involved with community-based neurorehabilitation, chronic pain management, and health care consultation, both clinical and medicolegal.
Selected Publications:
- Hammond F, Perkins SM, Corrigan J, …..Zasler N, Greenwald BD. Functional change from 5 to 15 years following traumatic brain injury. J Neurotrauma. 38(7):858-869, 2021.
- Silverberg ND, Iverson GL, ACRM Mild TBI Definition Expert Consensus Group, ACRM Brain Injury Special Interest Group Mild TBI Task Force. Expert Panel survey to update the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine definition of mild traumatic brain injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 102(1):76-86, 2021.
- Tenovuo O, Diaz-Arrastia R, Goldstein LE, Sharp DJ, van der Naalt J, Zasler ND. Assessing the severity of traumatic brain injury: Time for a change? Journal of Clinical Medicine. 10:148, 2021.
- Siponkoski, ST, Koskinen S, Laitinen S, ……Zasler N, Rantanen P, Lipsanen J, Sarkamo T. Effects of neurological music therapy on behavioral and emotional recovery after traumatic brain injury: a randomized controlled trial. Neuropsychol Rehabil. 13;1-33, 2021.
- Lejeune N, Zasler N, Formisano R, Estraneo A, Bodart O, Magee WL, Thibaut A. Epilepsy in prolonged disorders of consciousness: a systematic review. Brain Injury. 10;35(12-13):1485-1495, 2021.
- Zasler ND (endorser). Shewmon DA. Statement in support of revising the uniform determination of death act and in opposition to a proposed revision. The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy. May 14, 2021. e-pub ahead of print.
- Estraneo A, Magliacano A, Fiorenza S, Formisano R, ……….Zasler N, Schnakers C, Trojano L. Risk factors for 2-year mortality in patients with prolonged disorders of consciousness: An international, multicenter study. Eur J Neurol. 29(2):390-399, 2022.
- Briand MM, Lejeune N, Zasler, N, Formisano R, Bodart O, et al. Management of epilepsy in disorders of consciousness: An International Survey. Front Neurol. 11;12: 799579, 2022.
- Zasler ND, Formisano R, Aloisi M. Pain in persons with disorders of consciousnessPain in persons with disorders of consciousness. Brain Sciences. 23;12(3):300, 2022.
- Fiorenza S., Trojano L., Magliacano A., Formisano R., ……, Zasler N., Schnakers C., Estraneo A. Multi-center international study on clinical and electrophysiological predictors for clinical evolution in disorders of consciousness. Submitted for publication.
- Maurer-Karattup P, Zasler N, Thibaut A, et al. Neurorehabilitation for people with disorders of consciousness: an international survey of health-care structures and access to treatment (Part 1). Brain Injury. 7;36(7):850-859, 2022.
- Hamilton JA, Ketchum JM, Hammond FM, Peterson MD, Zasler ND….Nakase-Richardson R. Comparison of veterans affairs and NIDILRR traumatic brain injury model systems participants with disorders of consciousness. Brain Injury. 20:1–11, 2022.
- Magliacano A, Liuzzi P, Formisano R, ……Zasler N, Schnakers, C, Barolo M, Mannini A, Estraneo A. Predicting long-term recovery of consciousness and prolonged disorders of consciousness based on coma recovery scale–revised subscores: Validation of the machine learning-based prognostic index. Brain Sci. 13 (1): 51, 2022.
- Silverberg N, Iverson GL, Brown J, Cogan A, …….Zasler N, Zemek R. The ACRM Diagnostic Criteria for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury. 104(8):1343-1355, 2023.
- Farisco M, Formisano R, Gosseries O, …Zasler, N, Magliacano A, Estraneo A. International survey on the implementation of the European and American guidelines on disorders of consciousness. J Neurol. 271(1):395-407, 2024.
- Schnakers C, Zasler ND. Disorders of consciousness: A field in flux. Guest editorial. NeuroRehabilitaiton. 1-2,2024.
- Zasler, ND. Medicolegal issues and disorders of consciousness. NeuroRehabilitation. 149-166, 2024.
- Lucke-Wold, B., Zasler, N.D, Weisman, S., et al. Nutraceuticals and Traumatic Brain Injury. Accepted for publication.
- Formisano, R., Aloisi, M., Ferri G, ……Zasler, N., Schnakers, C., Iosa, M. Nociception coma scale–revised with personalized painful stimulus versus standard stimulation in persons with disorder of consciousness: An international multicenter study. Accepted for publication.
- Katz DI, Zasler ND, Zafonte RD. Systems of care and natural history of traumatic brain injury. Zasler ND, Katz. D, Zafonte R (eds): Brain Injury Medicine: Principles and Practice. Third Edition. Demos Publishers. New York, NY. Pgs.2-13, 2022.
- Iverson GL, Silverberg ND, Zasler ND. Mild traumatic brain injury. Zasler ND, Katz D, Zafonte R (eds): Brain Injury Medicine: Principles and Practice. Third Edition. Demos Publishers. New York, NY. Pgs. 414-424, 2022.
- Zasler ND, Martelli MF, Clanton ST. Posttraumatic pain disorders: medical assessment and management. Zasler ND, Katz D, Zafonte R (eds): Brain Injury Medicine: Principles and Practice. Third Edition. Demos Publishers. New York, NY. Pgs. 885-909, 2022.
- Martelli MF, Zasler ND, Bender MC. Biopsychosocial assessment and management of posttraumatic pain. Zasler ND, Katz D, Zafonte R (eds): Brain Injury Medicine: Principles and Practice. Third Edition. Demos Publishers. New York, NY. Pgs. 910 – 931, 2022.
- Zasler ND, Ameis A, Martelli MF, Bush S. Clinicolegal issues. Zasler ND, Katz D, Zafonte R (eds): Brain Injury Medicine: Principles and Practice. Third Edition. Demos Publishers. New York, NY. Pgs. 1293 – 1317, 2022.
- Martelli MF, Zasler ND. Resources for persons with traumatic brain injury and their caregivers. Zasler ND, Katz D, Zafonte R (eds): Brain Injury Medicine: Principles and Practice. Third Edition. Demos Publishers. New York, NY. Chapter 90 (e-book), 2022.
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